Sheri Miter, Discovering Your Calling & Gallup Strengthsfinder Coach

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The Surprising Reason You're Burned Out At Work, Even Though It's Your Dream Job!

As many of you know, my husband and I embarked on a sailing adventure last fall, thinking it would be a year-long dream come true. However, as life often unfolds, our dream took an unexpected turn, and I wanted to open up about our experience in the hopes that it might resonate with some of you.

Today, I want to delve into the signs and symptoms we noticed when things weren't quite right. If you're feeling a bit lost in your career, these might just strike a chord with you.

First and foremost, my husband's health took a hit. He lost a significant amount of weight, and while we initially attributed it to healthier eating habits, it turned out to be a manifestation of stress and anxiety. Weight fluctuations can often be more than just dietary changes.

His constant worry disrupted his sleep, leading to a perpetual state of fatigue. The person I knew, resilient and calm, suddenly seemed aggravated easily. Little things triggered a response that wasn't typical of him. It became evident that something was amiss, and we needed to address it.

So, how did we tackle these challenges? Well, my first piece of advice is to grab a journal. Putting your thoughts and emotions on paper can be remarkably cathartic. It's a small but powerful step in understanding what's truly bothering you.

Next, share your feelings with someone you trust. I could sense something was off with my husband, but it wasn't until he opened up that we could work through it together. Don't hesitate to lean on friends, family, or even professionals who can provide support and guidance.

If you find yourself in a career funk, consider seeking a coach or mentor. Sometimes, an outside perspective can help you devise a plan to navigate the challenges. In our case, understanding my husband's strengths and how they were underutilized became a game-changer. Stay tuned for the next episode, where we delve deeper into the importance of recognizing and leveraging your strengths.

Life is too short to stay in a place that doesn't fulfill you. Let's admit what's not working, fix it, and move towards a life we truly love. Join me for the next episode as we explore the impact of strengths on our journey. Until then, remember, you're called to enjoy this life. Let's fix what's not working together.

Lastly, please know you're not alone. If any part of our story resonates with you, feel free to reach out. Drop me an email or a message on Facebook—I'm here to listen and share experiences.

Listen the full episode here:

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PS… if one of the fears you have to conquer includes deciding if it’s time to make a major career change. Or perhaps you know it’s time, but you aren’t sure how to create a plan to change careers in 2023. The “10 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job” Quiz was created for dynamic, amazing women like you! In less than 5 minutes, you can gain clarity on whether you should stay or should you go…