Why the Wrong Work Environment Can Hinder Your Growth, Even If You Are Skilled at Your Job

As we sailed through the challenges of living on a boat, my husband Tom and I recently discovered that what we thought would be a dream year turned out to be anything but. In a candid conversation on the "Discovering Your Calling" podcast, Tom and I delved into the realization that he wasn't thriving in our new environment due to a misalignment with his natural talents and strengths.

Reflecting on Tom's Clifton strengths report, three themes emerged prominently: adaptability, consistency, and responsibility. Each theme told a story of how an individual's natural tendencies can either flourish or flounder based on the environment they find themselves in.

Adaptability, often Tom's superpower during his firefighting career, became stifled in an environment where he couldn't predict or handle the constant challenges of boat life. The very essence of living in hope-filled expectancy turned into a dread of the next obstacle, highlighting the crucial role of environment in leveraging adaptability.

Consistency, Tom's second-highest strength, longed for stable routines and clear rules, a stark contrast to the ever-changing conditions on the boat. The disconnect between his need for consistency and the unpredictable boat life left him feeling overwhelmed and unable to simplify his daily tasks effectively.

Responsibility, Tom's deep sense of commitment and ownership, became a burden in an environment that demanded more than he could deliver comfortably. The realization that he couldn't fulfill all his commitments led to frustration and a sense of failure, ultimately affecting his well-being.

The podcast episode became a testament to the importance of recognizing and understanding one's natural talents and strengths. Tom's journey highlighted that even if you're skilled at your job, the wrong environment can hinder your growth and satisfaction.

In sharing our story, we hope others can recognize the signs of misalignment and take proactive steps to understand and leverage their strengths. The Clifton strengths assessment, as discussed in the podcast, serves as a valuable tool to gain insights into your natural tendencies and provides a foundation for making informed decisions about your career and life.

Tom's advice to listeners echoes a powerful message: embrace change, seek environments where you can thrive, and, above all, enjoy the journey. Life is too short to endure dissatisfaction, and making the necessary changes can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful existence.

As we navigate the waves of change, let Tom's story inspire you to reflect on your own environment, uncover your strengths, and set sail toward a life where you can truly thrive.

Listen the full episode here:

PS… if one of the fears you have to conquer includes deciding if it’s time to make a major career change. Or perhaps you know it’s time, but you aren’t sure how to create a plan to change careers in 2023. The “10 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job” Quiz was created for dynamic, amazing women like you! In less than 5 minutes, you can gain clarity on whether you should stay or should you go…

Sheri Miter

Tired of seeing too many amazing people not using their natural talents and settling for mediocrity in life, Sheri Miter is on a mission to help individuals unleash their strengths and discover their true calling.

As a Visionary Strategist and Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, she believes when you find your purpose in life and pursue it with bold faith and excellence, fulfillment, joy & success will follow!

When she’s not coaching, consulting, or creating her podcast, she loves spending time with her six grandkids, traveling, and setting sail on adventures with her husband of 36+ years!


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