“There’s no such thing as success without sacrifice, but you can have success without sacrificing the ones you love”
— Sheri Miter

Meet Sheri!
You will notice I am a very open, honest, and authentic person - my kids would say probably a little too much so! As you read this “about” page, I hope you will find how we are connected, whether by life experiences or by beliefs & values. I look forward to hearing from you when you find the connections. (don’t worry I won’t ask you to divulge your life story ;))
Hi, I’m Sheri. Since we can’t sit down yet for a chat over coffee (or something bubbly) to introduce ourselves, I’ll start here…
I am a military brat daughter - being raised in the military gave me a sense of adventure and created my gypsy soul. I am grateful that my parents had an entrepreneurial spirit, strong work ethic, and lived life to the fullest -- which was a good thing as my mother passed away early in life (she lived more in her 58 short years than most do in 80 years).
She is my inspiration and one of the main reasons that I am a “live life to the fullest TODAY” type of person. I know with certainty that we aren’t promised a tomorrow.
I am also a wife of over 36+ years to my soulmate, Tom. When you marry your best friend and work hard to create your dreams together, life is way more fun! My husband is a retired professional firefighter, war veteran (another reason we live life at the moment!), and captain of the Danu (our sailboat). Our dream is to have a bigger boat, travel the ICW (intercoastal waterway), and explore new places along the way! You will hear Tom on a few Discovering Your Calling Podcasts and we also host a Leading the Brave Workshop together.
I have survived being a mom to three boys. Let’s be honest here; there must be a very special club for moms of multiple boys - you might find us crying, screaming, or laughing out loud at any given moment. What I’m most grateful for is that our family is super close today - blessed that these boys grew up to be amazing young men living life full-out in their own way. I love seeing each of them use their Strengths as they create successful careers. They have married amazing women & we all enjoy being in each other’s company - which is truly priceless! I am also Gramma to 4 precious little girls and 2 adorable grandsons! They truly make my heart sing.
If you can’t tell, I am passionate about living out my God-given calling while living my life! That’s what I desire for you as well!
My joy is working with those who know life is meant to be enjoyed every.single.day and that we are called for more. My mission is to show high-achieving leaders like you that YES it is possible to have success AND a life!
My philosophy is - “life is short; we HAVE to enjoy the journey”. I’m here to help you navigate that journey.
I spent 26 years in a well respected Direct Sales Company. During that time, I worked my way up the career path and enjoyed MANY honors, prestigious awards, and recognition. I loved to put myself in a winning environment, surrounded by other achievers. I truly understood and lived by Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
BUT, If I am being totally honest, I often felt like an imposter and doubted my leadership abilities…
Maybe you can relate to this scenario, you go to a conference and hear from the top of the company on how THEY became successful -you try to implement their ideas but instead of success you slide backwards. You wonder “what is wrong with me?”
That was totally me year after year. I did have success but it often felt sooooo hard!
In 2016 I was introduced to CliftonStrengths®. Like many of my client’s first experience with their Top 5 (aka StrengthsFinders), I read through my report and thought, “ sounds about right”. Then I put it away in a draw and didn’t do anything with it, as I had no idea what it all meant! In 2017 I attended a workshop, and the curtain was lifted!
Once I discovered my Strengths and how to use them in my career, I was able to easily lead my team to levels I never thought were possible, like the prestigious pink Cadillac!
What I didn’t expect was after achieving our best year ever… I started to have a feeling of angst and that God was calling me to a new direction… I had no idea where it was leading me, but I was obedient to the call.
That call led me on a three-year journey of exploring, trying, testing, and tears! It was a challenging three years of questioning and wondering why on earth I left behind my successful business when I was at the height of my career - it didn’t make sense!
Today, I know why!! My journey led to the creation of the Discovering Your Calling Program. This program is the steps I took myself through to find my calling finally! What took me three years, I take my students through in three months.
I absolutely love helping women who, like me, are successful but unfulfilled and know they are called for more! I love seeing them gain clarity on their true calling as we go through the 12 phases of the DYC program. My joy is being able to support & celebrate my clients by helping them discover their God-given talents, showing them how to turn them into Strengths, and then offering simple strategies for life & business that will create not just success - but the LIFE they dream about.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Harold Thurman
Enough about me; I’ll be on the edge of my seat waiting to learn more about you.
And we might have a few more important things in common if you’re currently listening to a little Eric Church, Mandisa or even Art Pepper while sipping your hot coffee, something bubbly, or a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon as you read this. (yes, my taste is as eclectic as everyone’s strengths)…
I’d love to know, what do we have in common? Reach out and let me know!
What it’s like to work with me
I have been privileged to work alongside Sheri Miter for the past 23 years as a fellow entrepreneur.
Sheri is a goal-oriented, strategic thinker.
As a Power Partner Sheri has always provided valuable insights and ideas that have truly benefited me in my business.
I highly recommend Sheri for anyone looking for a coach and mentor.
I have been working with Sheri Miter for about 3-4 weeks now and it's one of the best business decisions I have made. Sheri gives you the tools you need to push forward and keep motivated. Her strategy sessions (coaching and mentoring) really help get your ideas in motion. My business as well as myself have benefited from Sheri and her knowledge. If your looking to make changes, reboot or regrow yourself or your business I highly recommend Sheri Miter she will help put you on the right course!
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’.”
— Erma Bombeck