We Bought a Boat!
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

We Bought a Boat!

We just bought a boat! What did we do to prepare for this dream in the making? I’ll share the steps we took to get here, steps you can take to fulfill your wildest craziest dreams too!

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10 Steps to Prevent Burnout
Sheri Miter Sheri Miter

10 Steps to Prevent Burnout

In a blog last week I wrote about the 4 Warning Signs You Are Headed to Burnout!  Signs I hope you will heed if you recognize them. 

More importantly, what can you do TODAY to prevent yourself from even getting to that point?  We can’t take away all of the stressors in our lives.  You may still be left lying awake at night wondering “should I switch my career right now?”, “If I did leave this career, what would I even do?” or  “ what is life going to be like now that my youngest has left for college?”.  

  Those questions may still be there swirling around in your brain at night (ok, maybe even all day long) but if you manage your well-being you will avoid burnout, despite life’s stressors.   I’m sharing my 10 Steps to Prevent Burnout with you today. You may be doing some already, but hopefully, you will soon be doing all 10 at least MOST of the time ;)

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