Sheri Miter, Discovering Your Calling & Gallup Strengthsfinder Coach

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10 Steps to Prevent Burnout

In a blog last week I wrote about the 4 Warning Signs You Are Headed to Burnout! . Signs I hope you will heed if you recognize them. 

More importantly, what can you do TODAY to prevent yourself from even getting to that point?  We can’t take away all of the stressors in our lives.  You may still be left lying awake at night wondering “should I switch my career right now?”, “If I did leave this career, what would I even do?” or  “ what is life going to be like now that my youngest has left for college?”.  

  Those questions may still be there swirling around in your brain at night (ok, maybe even all day long) but if you manage your well-being you will avoid burnout, despite life’s stressors.   I’m sharing my 10 Steps to Prevent Burnout with you today. You may be doing some already, but hopefully, you will soon be doing all 10 at least MOST of the time ;)

  1. Evaluate what you are really feeling - as Brene Brown would say now is the time to get vulnerable with yourself and those closest to you.  What are you REALLY Feeling? Just identifying what the real feeling is will help me work through it.  Just grab a journal and pen and try to pinpoint the real emotion behind your feelings.  Is it anger, sadness, fear, or something else? If possible, talk about THAT emotion with a trusted friend. 

  2. Be honest with what you NEED right now… is it a pause instead of a push? Be ok with it! Many of us grew up being told to be mentally strong and just keep pushing through.  Occasionally that IS the answer, but many times giving yourself time to just pause is the better answer.  Which do you need, push through or take a mental pause? (BTW- that mental pause might be a 30 min walk or savoring a good cup of coffee) 

  3. Discover HYGGE  - I first heard this word on a post from Marisa Corcoran a copy coach I follow.  An article on the Visit Denmark website said this about Hygge; “Hard to explain and even harder to pronounce, the Danish word "hygge" (pronounced "hoo-gah") has exploded in popularity around the world. It translates roughly to "coziness," but it means so much more than that. So what is hygge? In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Cozying up with a loved one for a movie – that’s hygge, too. And there's nothing more hygge than sitting around with friends and family, discussing the big and small things in life. Perhaps hygge explains why the Danes are some of the happiest people in the world.”   Sounds amazing right?!   Maybe you can’t go into full Hygee mode but can you bring a few elements to your space?? Or perhaps create a time that you are all about it? The important takeaway here is to just find the time & space that makes you happy! 

  4. Exercise  - You knew this was going to be here! Let go of stress and bump up the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins.  Walk, run, dance, do yoga… just move your body! 

  5. Sleep - Make sure you are getting enough sleep.  Sleep restores your mental and physical body! According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep.  I’m also a huge prominent of the Power Nap!  Studies prove naps from 20-90 mins can help with cognitive skills, energy, mood, and longer naps are encouraged for athletes for better performance.  If you need tips on how to power nap effectively,  hit me up on messenger I am the 20 min, napping master!   

  6. Your diet - eat to nourish- we know to watch the sugar and carbs, etc . But I also encourage you to eat to enjoy- good food, great wine! Life is too short to waste it on bad food and cheap wine!  The splurge is worth it!

  7. Mindfulness - Renew your mind with meditation, prayer, nature, or any quiet space.  I think time to be quiet and introspective was the biggest benefit to come out of the covid lockdowns.  It’s why so many people are now realizing they need to make a career change! Being in a constant state of busyness hides many things. How can you create space to renew your mind daily? 

  8. Turn off the noise - social media, phone, tv, we are bombarded with noise!   Kenny Chesney sings about this in his song Noise.  “But there really ain't no conversation. Ain't nothing left to the imagination. Trapped in our phones and we can't make it stop”   What if you turned off the noise and replaced it with meaningful time with people, good music, reading, or a hobby? 

  9. Make plans with those who matter most!   Does your calendar reflect what’s most important to you? I suggest every quarter you go through the calendar for the next 3 months and carve out non-negotiable time off.   I know for myself I can get through stressful work weeks if I know I have a 3-day getaway with my husband planned for the next week. If you can’t get away for 3 days, can you block off a day with friends to go apple picking or check out the Van Gogh Experience you’ve been hearing about? (On my to-go-do list).  A good rule of thumb is at least 1-2 weeks off per year, 1 weekend getaway per quarter, and weekly fun days! 

  10. Carve out time for personal development,  planning, and creation.  Instead of working around the clock, take time to learn something new, create something to enhance your business, or plan for your future.  This is a time that will help you feel in control of your future.  What skill do you want to learn? What project can you create for your new business?  Make time daily or weekly to work on them.   

I know what you are thinking right now, you are probably thinking “I don’t have time for all of this!”  OR “ this sounds great, Sheri for you, but the average person can’t do all of these 10 steps”.  I’m here to tell you yes, you can!  Here’s how -  Start small, pick 1-2 from the list above and make them a priority for this month.  Next month, add 1-2 more.  Bit by bit you will be able to implement them all.  Treat these as necessary steps to combat burnout.  Once you take time for YOUR Well-being you will not only have a sense of calm & peace, but you will experience more energy, joy, and success!  

Which step(s) will you implement first? Share in the comments or send me a message! I’m here to support you!